Gertsoyg & Company


What To Do If Hurt In a Car Accident

If you’re hurt in a car accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries. To maximize your chances of getting a fair settlement, there are a number of things you can do. …

Car Crash Concussion and Its Consequences

Sport-induced injuries get the most press. But car accidents are by far the most common source of concussions, which in some cases, have life-long effects. A 2010 decision of the Supreme Court of BC dealt with such a case. …

Compensating Subjective Pain

Car accidents often result in obvious physical injuries – for example, broken limbs caused by the sudden impact. The law is clear that you can recover damages from the person at fault, including compensation for pain and suffering. …

Chronic Pain

It’s not uncommon for courts to grant damages of over $100,000 to injured plaintiffs suffering chronic pain. This includes compensation for pain and suffering as well as past and future income loss. Damages just for the chronic pain component tend to range between $35,000 and $125,000. …

Personal Injury Claim Destroyed By Claimant’s Own Facebook Pictures

If you’ve been hurt in a car crash, your credibility is extremely important in proving your claim for damages – especially if your injury is a “whiplash” or soft tissue injury. With a whiplash, there may be no objective evidence. Your subjective reports of pain and limited movement may be the only “proof” of your injury. It’s essential that you are honest and don’t exaggerate or inflate the effects of the accident. …

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